Jeff Ross (00:00.12)
Welcome to the Laptop Lifestyle Dab Show. I'm your host, Geoff Ross, the caffeinated kangaroo from Down Under, here to help you navigate the wild world of social selling and AI mastery. Whether you're a frustrated affiliate marketer, an inspiring coach, or a seasoned network marketing pro, you're in the right place. And each week we'll be deep diving with key experts from the online business world, sharing their tips and tricks and stories
to help you elevate your game. Plus I'll be serving up some quick coaching episodes packed with actionable insights to keep you ahead of the curve. So grab your favorite cuppa, sit back, and let's hop into another episode. Welcome to the journey of mastering the art of social selling and AI while balancing life as a laptop lifestyle legend. Let's get started and enjoy the show.
Well, good day guys. It's Jeff Ross here, tuning in to the Laptop Lifestyle Dad Show. And this is your quick coaching episode. And actually doing this one as a bit of a Facebook Live. So I'm a of a double whammy. You know what's that saying? Two birds, one stone. But I'm as excited as a caffeinated kangaroo jumping around Trevelyne. And I'm your host with the mostest. Now I'm your host here today for today's episode. And so this is just a bit of a quick coaching training with myself. And we'll be doing a bit of live Q and A there as well. So if you've got any questions there, please do leave them in the comments.
I can see them up here on our screen and we'll tackle them together. But I wanted to jump in here and do a bit of a quick coaching session. Bit of a training session there on how to help people avoid. Baseball jail. there's been some new Facebook algorithm updates too. So what to bring your awareness to those so we can all learn how to play the game bigger and better, be empowered and be equipped. You know, the purpose of my content, every interaction that I ever have with anybody, the goal is to create clarity.
Cause a confused mind takes no action, right? But I also want to be able to deposit, you know, a nugget of gold and nugget of value into your lives because time it's, it's one of those things that it's the most non -refundable resource on the world. And so is our energy. You know, we can always get more money. We can always get more things, but time we can't get back. So I want to thank those people who spend their time with me and invest their time into learning from what I have to share. So I want to value
Jeff Ross (02:23.79)
And want to keep these quick coaching sessions to that 20 minutes, 30 minutes max as well. And however, I will stick around to do a bit more of a Q and a section there with that, with our Facebook live, you know, this, this. So, yeah, make sure you stick around for as well. If you've got any dirty questions and you want some sort of quick coaching into that space as well, but let's dive in. So I've been playing around with Facebook now since 2009 and figured out a few things along the way. And one of those things
Is Facebook jail, you know, especially in today's world, right? You know, so like as a network marketer, I totally understand that connections and relationships happening in messenger and, know, and also through basically sharing links, right. And I'm guilty of it myself. I've done the whole link spamming and the direct pitching and, and all of that sort of stuff. And I get it. That's born out of ignorance. It's born out of naivety, but it's also born out
passion and wanting to serve and help people. Yeah. It's born out of not knowing how to really position yourself and sell. And so I'm on a mission here and to be able to empower and equip our listeners to get out of the link spending, to get out of the direct pitching and learn how to become attraction marketers, but also learn how to become sellers. Yeah. It's called social selling, right? And there's an art to it just like anything else is. And I'm here to help serve.
But yeah, this was all born out of bit of frustration, you know? 12 months ago, you know, I was that excited puppy dog trying to hump your leg and saying, know, go buy my stuff, buy, buy. You'd see Jeff Ross coming for a mile away. You know, all my friends and family, would see me getting their messenger and they was asking, why don't you try and sell me again, Jeff? What's the next thing, Jeff? Like, you know, put your hands up, like give me a couple of likes, you know, or some reaction to those emojis.
there if you know if that's speaking to your heart like you've been there done that or you are still there now let us know where you're at with this like and it's okay right because the only difference between you and i is i'm a little bit further down the path of you you know i've got a few more hours of experience i've got a few more hours of mastery in this day so i had to learn and go through the school of hard knocks you know basically get a few scuffs on my knees a few cuts and bruises and all of that to learn what not
Jeff Ross (04:47.936)
And you know, it's okay to go into that space because those of us who have grit, who have determination, who have tenacity, who have that burning desire to succeed no matter what, guess what? You gotta fail. You gotta fail forward. That's the trick, right? Fail forward fast. Don't beat yourself up, don't be disempowered by it, and get out there and have a go, you know, get fucked off the horse and get back on. Because each time you get fucked off the horse, you learn something new.
Like people see that they get, you know, we live in this fast world and people want to, you know, have all the success without doing the work and, know, or they want to have all the success and they get disappointed because they're not getting the results. And, but we all learned how to walk. Right. We all had a brighter bike or most of us did. We all learned how to swim. Most of us did, you know, and we had to go through that, that learning curve of, of the stakes of failure. Yeah. You know, like learning how to walk.
learning how to eat. It's messy, right? If you have it, you guys have got kids like I've watched my kids grow up now, but you know, Harrison 12, Wackel 11, Jackson 8, those first few years of their learning was messy. And it was basically, you know, they'd fall over their feet and fall down, they hurt themselves. And as parents, we want to swoop in, we want to rush in and help them out, but we don't do it. Like we understand that for them to learn how to walk. They need to learn how to fall, you know, to learn how to drive a car.
You need to learn how to not crash a car. know, an old Bushman always taught me, said, Jeff, you don't know how to ride a horse until you learn how to fall off a thousand times. So go get bucked off, go fall off, go have a go, get yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the horse. Cause each time that you get bucked off, each time that you fall off, you're going to learn something new. And I can't teach that.
because it's learned through that experience. There's a reason why repetition learning is taught in schools, because it's repetitive experience time and time again. And what we actually do learn is we learn what not to do. So it's OK if you've been in that space and you've been, you know, in amateur town in Sucksville doing the direct pitching and expanding. But what's not OK is if you're aware of this now that it's not the right way to do it, it's not OK to stay there.
Jeff Ross (07:14.766)
You know, like there is a reason why cold call in bull knocking work if it's done poorly, it'll still work to 1 % of the time because it's a numbers game. Remember, you can't say the wrong thing to the right person and you can't say the right thing to the wrong person. So like by all means, get out there and have a go. But this is where attraction marketing really comes into its own because now we can start conversations and we get people into us. But you know, by getting into mess, it still happens in messenger.
You know, the marketing is designed to start the conversation. I've yet to convert anybody, a sale or whatever that looks like off just one post. You know, I could take people to a link and I could use email marketing. I'm still using touch points, but I'm still using a conversation to go deeper. I've yet to convert anybody in sales without having a heart to heart conversation first. You know, I don't care who you are or the world's best salesman in the world. If you've done
Show me I trust me. I've tried to work it out. Please come by way and show me how it's done But I know I talked to sales experts left right and center and they'll all say the same thing conversions are in the conversations The money is in messenger So this creates a whole new problem for us because if we go and be aggressive and trust me I'm aggressive
You know, I want to get out there and I want to talk to as many people as I can because I want to serve and help as many people as I can. And I know how to go through the motions. I know how to, you know, slow it down and it's an art, right? I've learned how to perfect the arts of communication. I've constructed the art of the heart to heart connection to make people feel seen, heard, listened to, and it's not fake. It's all genuine.
It's all authentic. love what I do. I love connecting with people. I love meeting people all around the world from all walks of life. It's one of the things that I love. But I had to learn how to slow it down. Because I was like, as I said, the best way I could describe it was that my early days was I was like an excited puppy dog trying to hump your leg. If you want a few more yeses and less nos and less slaps, you've got to learn how to slow it down. We've got to go through the art of building communication.
Jeff Ross (09:29.422)
We're going to get through the art of building a relationship. so, but you know, getting into messenger, if we understand that this is all where it happens, you know, our conversations are started through our marketing. You know, our marketing is designed to get people to put their hands up and say, yes, me, I would like more information or, or yes, me, they qualify themselves and say, yeah, I'm that person. You know, and then that's where we want to take that to now to the conversation in messenger. And so I've personally recruited over 250 people into our travel club.
over last 12 months through Messenger. I've built my entire coaching business that you see here in front of you today through the back of Messenger. So if this is the case, you know, and I understand that, then if I don't, there's a game I've been a play to play the Facebook algorithm game as well and to play the Facebook game so I don't end up in Facebook jail. Because trust me, I'm guilty of being in Facebook jail probably at least once a month.
And that's because I pushed the boundaries, I pushed the envelope. I reach out to thousands and thousands of people and they in Facebook don't like it when you become like look like a robot and you become like a direct picture or a link spammer. However, they are a really powerful tool and they love it when us influencers and people use it in the way that they want us to use it. They're like this framework that they want us to use
And they give us these guidelines and these boundaries to keep us contained so we don't go and abuse the tool, so we don't go and spam people, so we don't go and pitch people because Facebook's got one goal. Protect the end user experience to keep people on Facebook. So if we understand that that's their primary objective, we can start to play the game and play by their rules. Right? When Facebook owns the ball, the pitch, the players, the stadium,
And everything else, we have no other choice but to learn how to play by their rules. Because if we don't like their game, the rules that they've given us, we might as well pack up our bags and go home. So they've got very clear boundaries, very clear guidelines. Yes, there are some gray areas there and you know, they're not very clear on their terms and conditions and all of that sort of stuff. But I know if you use it in what we call in this world, white hat tactics, not gray or black
Jeff Ross (11:51.938)
You know, if you use it the way that they want us to use it, which is to create a social platform, which is to create a space where human to human interaction create, which connection creates, which community is created, where empowerment is created, then it's a very, very powerful tool. I would go as far as saying is the best marketing and sales tool that anybody has ever seen in their entire lifetime and will ever see right now. Right. There's over a billion plus users using Facebook.
Why? Because it's a very powerful tool, right? So we've got to play the game. We're going to play the Facebook algorithm and the Facebook jail game. So let's talk about Facebook jail for a second and just tackle that one. So I know through my experimentation, I know through my trial and error to failing forward fast, Facebook has certain principles and guidelines in messenger. Now, one guideline is if you go in and you just go in and essentially direct pitch,
Or you go in and share a link too early and you do that aggressively. Like I'm talking over 20 times in an hour. Facebook jail. Right. If you go through and copy and paste and send the same message to go over 20 people in an hour. I spoke to her trust me, being there done that, know the game. So, and so they're probably the two sort of big principles I could give you. So how do we get around that? Well,
We've got to slow it down. We've got to get more conversational. Right. So like if I share my screen with you at the moment here, and I'll share basically my message script that I have the tools to help me to automate this process, to help me take it through. But essentially I don't send this message out to people until they've actually said yes, maybe they want some more information. Right. So if I look through my messenger here, I first got, let's go through my post. So we got this person here, Aini's put out her hand. I can reach out to Aini and can send her a message.
So let's do that. So Amy's put up a message here and I'm going to send her a message. So she's already put her hands up. Actually, I think I've already started sending Amy the same message. So I've got a bit of a script here, right? So I can send my script. So here's my script that I'm using that I've actually automated to send people a message. Yeah. This is playing the Facebook game. Where is it? Here is. So, we're get some message one. So I can say something along the lines, Hey, I saw your comment about that. Well, look for this post, I could say,
Jeff Ross (14:18.946)
Hey, I saw your comment, you know, I thought you'd your thumbs up to learn more about that. So, you know, can just tweak it and adjust it. And I really did as a question. So what I'm starting to do is I'm starting to start a conversation. I'm not direct pitching. I'm qualifying and inviting people to come check something out. You know, I can do the same thing here. No worries. If you haven't, know, in the middle of some very exciting tests, you want me to share the details with you. So, you know, this, this post that message script here is more for.
this post here that I put together. So I just tweak it and adjust it. Right. So there's that post there that I put up. There's this one here talking about chat GPT. So, you know, I said the thing, right? I'm getting people to put their hands up and say, yes, me or whatever. And then they're also commenting. like they've qualified themselves for that first step. Yeah. So then I go into the message script and see, I don't send the actual link until actual message for. Right. So even if I'm only getting one word responses,
Or I'm getting, you know, I'm getting really worthy responses. People are falling into four categories, right? And disprofiling world. And, you know, some of us are really short to the point. Some of us love to talk and share a story. You know, some of us want to make it all about others. Some of us want to make it all about them. That's okay. Whatever it is, right? So Facebook is the algorithm. It's smart. Like it's got a lot of scientists behind it to understand human nature. So human nature.
Is when we go through the sales, social selling process is in normal sales process is you guys through your ability rapport. You're getting people to know, like, and trust you. And then through that process, you're looking for people's problems that you can help solve. And you're learning how to qualify people by asking some qualifying questions, right? So the questions that are in the answers. And then once you've actually got the people qualified, you know that you can help them. Then that's the opportunity to invite
So I don't pitch people, I invite people. It says a lot less sort of in your face and not sort of higher press sales tactics as yeah, it's here for you, but I don't go giving that sort of here for you sort of invitation until I know that it's a fit. I know that they've qualified. You know, I do the same thing with our DreamTrips business. You know, but a very simple five -step recruitment process. Start the conversation, build rapport, invite, you know, share, qualify and invite, share a story and invite people.
Jeff Ross (16:41.262)
you know, follow up and sign them up. Right, so, but the, click is simple process, but Facebook love you to play this game as well. Guess you can share links in your messenger and you just got to keep it more organic, more natural flowing. Right. And that's the same on your Facebook content as well. Um, you know, putting up, you know, I, trust you, I've done the 10, 20 times opposed today and you know, I've experimented left, right and center.
And I noticed these, when they do change the algorithm, I noticed these updates because I'm in the trenches and I'm tweaking and adjusting and I'm experimenting and I'm looking for what's working. Always looks like working to get the most awareness, to get the most engagement, to convert traffic into leads, leads into sales, sales into repeat customers, know, loyal fans and team players, right? There's a journey that we take people through and we've got to give people the opportunity to go through that journey.
progressing on their own speed. So this is where we start to create a predictable profitable system. And I unpacked this system actually on day four or our upcoming. I'll go into detail. But when you've got a system dialed in like this, your people have three choices. They can either move forward in the system and stay put until get nurtured until it's the right time for them to move forward or exit out. That's not for them. They've qualified themselves out and that's okay. See Facebook understand all this too, right?
So let's come back to that first step, know, the awareness, the content marketing step. And I want to update some of you guys around this Facebook. Facebook now had an update there on their algorithm. I reckon it was probably early July, late June this happened. And I know for the last 12 months, you know, Facebook, you actually go back through my post here, a lot of my, you know, call to actions, if you will, the conversation starters was to get you to comments.
You know, get you to sort of comment, yeah, that's a birthday post, 125 comments. You know, this Facebook live is 120 comments. You know, so we got here, we got this one here, it's over 57 likes, 48 comments. You know, so these are some of the experimenting posts that I've been doing in the past. But if you look down here, you know, this one here, it's about, you know, just sort of getting people to agree with me, like the awareness post. Did you know that the Facebook algorithm, like two comments.
Jeff Ross (19:01.452)
So like there's been a dangerous shift here and you can start to see, and I'm looking at this very closely. What are the posts that are getting the comments? What are the posts that are getting the likes and what are the posts that are, you know, it's not getting much engagement at all. So it's like, this is a celebration post. Like in the past, that one would have got loads of it's a celebration. You have loads of reach, but it hasn't anymore. This one here too, you know, I'm asked for your question, right? So I'm trying to encourage a conversation to start. I can still do this.
But it just kind of sort of break it down a bit more. And what I'm noticing, you'll see there, the ones that are getting the most reach and the ones that are people are going, yeah, go Jeff. You know, like the, the lights, get the reaction. And then we're getting comments. You know, this one here is the same thing on the plot of golf's mat. You know, that's a pretty cool person to support. Yes, Jeff. Like where you go. We all, but so what happened was I'm getting the likes and the reactions first. And then the comments are coming second.
So the Facebook algorithm has had a major update in the last six weeks. And I would say that the update is probably more reflective of what was working back in early 20 ,000, so 2023. So I would say Facebook has actually now made a priority in their algorithm to get the likes and to get the reactions first. And this is my experiment, and I've actually gone through and I've talked to some top social media markers and they're all sort of agreeing to this point at the moment.
So let me just go through and share this slide. We've probably just made it explain. So when we put up a post, the Facebook algorithm will go through a sample size. So if you've got 10 ,000 followers, it's going to run your post out to probably about maybe 10 to 20 ,000, know, 10 to 20%. Yeah. So a thousand to 2000 of your followers, you know, out to your set. So they're going to give it a sample, right? They're going to that sample four hours to perform. And if it ticks the boxes.
Which is saying in this stage, the boss that we want to tick is getting the engagement on the likes and the reactions. You have the, the, wow, the loves, the, the, the emojis, right? The reactions. they're, they're, they're saying that we can send, we can through our algorithm. We know it's a high quality post if it's getting the reactions, the likes and the loves of a laptop person, before must. And then it's comments. Second, previously prior to that, I would say that the algorithm favored comments.
Jeff Ross (21:24.846)
Is the, is the way that they sort of, you know, test and our quality posts. So they're going to run that post out for four hours. And they're going to give like a sample, you know, to your audience. And if it ticks their boxes and it goes, yes, like they're getting the engagement, you get in the interaction. It's now going to go into what they call the burnout phase. Now you're going to keep, you know, keep sort of doing more samples, more tests. So this is how we start to get wider reach and our reach now starts to go to a thousand, 2000, 10 ,000 beyond.
because now that post has ticked the box, it's now in that burnout phase. And they're going to keep, you know, keep doing this sample to your audience to more, to more, to more. And as soon as it starts to, you know, to dwindle, like they're starting to go into that ripple effect, it's now going to go into the afterglow phase. So that post will stay probably active. You probably start seeing this already, you know, like posted ID back in June, late June, is now coming back to the top of people's use speeds and people are interacting with it again.
Cause it's in that acid glow phase. So for three to nine days, it's still going to get a bit of slight reach and they're going to sort of like take the last of the 10 to 20%. It's like the bottom of the barrel sort of engagement and Facebook can keep sampling that out until the post dies. Like it might as well exist. know, the only reason the post there is on my walls from my own archive point, it may as well be like the post never exists as far as the algorithms concerned. Right. So it becomes an archived post and
I could go back to some of those posts that have got a lot of engagement, lot of comments. What I'm also starting to see is I can go and reinstate that post if you will, like give it some more life. I could put comments on there, you know, and then that'll go back into a new burnout phase and keep going back through this until that's I'm just exhausted altogether. So I would say at the moment, the primary goal for you and the algorithm for your post is to put up post
that encourage people to get the likes to get the emojis reactions going. And then you've got your comments going on and all that sort of thing. So you'll start to see, you know, a lot of my posts moving forward because you know, the number one game is to get traffic, to get awareness, to get engagement, to get leads. Right. So I'm known for a while now that you don't put links in your post because that will just, you know, straight away that's a red box. Yeah. That's a no box. that ticks the box for what you can do.
Jeff Ross (23:46.178)
And it used to be say, don't put links in your comments, but you know, these posts that are starting to get a lot of engagement, a lot of interaction, starting to, you know, give you the position and space where you can start to put links in. Like you see my few, few Facebook lives there, you know, here we've got a Facebook life. So there you go. That's taking you to the next step. So I can start to use the comments section there to give me more sort of my long form post. So what I was noticing here.
Is these type of posts here, what the background color, like the main type posted the short sort of form term post, these sort of posts here are definitely by far getting the most engagement. And what I can then do is put like a more of a, yeah, use the college section for a form, more of a index or a long form post to get them to go where I need them to go. And then I could also do that in messenger as well. Right. So I'm experimenting, I'm always experimenting to share what's working with for me. And these are some of the things that I'm starting to notice as well.
I'd give me a thumbs up if this is something that is helping you. But also give me a thumbs up as well, or some sort of reaction that's at this post that you're noticing your Facebook reaches tent. You know, what you were doing, you know, is not working like it used to. And this is the game, right? Facebook, as I said, they own the ball, the pitch, the players, the whole kit and caboodle. They love to change up the game. They don't announce when they change up the game. But if you've got your finger on the pulse,
You'll see these changes happening. We can pivot and adjust a lot easier. So this is, this is the intent of this Facebook episode, Facebook live and this podcast episode was to be able to help empower you, to share with what's working for me in this space to help you also avoid Facebook jail. So like kick your messages in that conversational space, create your message scripts in a way that sort of designs to ask some questions, to get people to follow through
And actually, you know, a conversation and start to connect. And there's a whole sort of another master class about going around real rapport building and getting people to know, like, and trust you because there is a time where you get pitched too early. So we'll reserve that for another day. But you know, if you can just, you know, get people to say yes me on your post, you know, get them to engage with you on your content and then follow that up with them in the messenger to get them where you need them to be in your sales process. As long as you come from a space of
Jeff Ross (26:07.982)
serving as a heart to heart connection, you'll always have a pretty good result. And you're always going to play the Facebook gallery again, right? And so I hope you got lots of value from today's conversation. We're counting up on that 30 minute mark. So I'm just going to pause here for a second, see if there's any questions or comments there and any questions. And we'll get started with the Q &A section of this. But thank you very much for those of you who are tuned in to listen to the podcast episode. This will be going live next week, so it's pre -recorded a week ahead.
And, but this will still be time the content for you to be able to go out there and crush your social selling and AI master again. Thank you for your time and we'll see you in the next episode. All right, guys. Now let me just, quickly check in there, see if there's any questions there. but thank you very much to those of you who are tuned in live with us. Appreciate you. And, yeah, let me see if there's any questions or comments. Cool. All right. So we've got a few come lights up. No, no sort of comments or questions. Just right this second.
But hey, if you're watching the replay, please do leave them in the comments below. And I'm more than happy to help out where I can. whilst I've got you, I've also got our first podcast episode that's just went live. saw our first interview with Austin Armstrong from the, the founder of syllabi and awesome interview. I love sharing Austin's story with you. Let me just quickly drop that in the comments there for you so you can go check that out for yourselves. And, yeah, so we just dropped that out. Yeah. That's our first interview that went live for our podcast.
for the Laptop Lifestyle Dad Show. And we also just launched a book last week as well, which is taking off. So let me grab the details for that for you as well. And I'd love to, you know, go get the book, check it out. I love your review on that space and let me know what you can do there. So go grab your copy for your book. It's just in the box, just $9 .99, $9 .97 for the first 100 people. I believe we're close on selling our first 50, so they're flying off the shelf.
And we also have our upcoming five day social selling and AI mastery bootcamp for July. That's kicking off on July 23rd. And if you'd like more information about that, that's a good fit for you too. Please come check that out. The link's here just in the comments below. All right guys, thank you for your time. I've got to run. Have a great day. It's 10 .30 AM here, Sydney time. I'm about to spend the rest of afternoon with the boys because the boys are home from school holidays and I will see you on the flip side. Hey, bye for now.
Jeff Ross (28:33.11)
Now for some exciting news, don't forget to grab our brand new book that just launched the other week, Social Selling and AI Mastery for Network Marketers. It's packed with actionable insights and success stories to help elevate your game. And also whilst you're here, don't forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming five days social selling and AI mastery bootcamp starting July 23rd. This bootcamp is designed to transform your approach
to online business with cutting edge strategies and practical tips. Whether you're just starting out or looking to up your game, this bootcamp is for you. Why join? It's simple. We're here to equip and empower you to achieve true freedom and success in your business. Learn how to balance the chaos of the mum dad life while mastering social selling and AI. So hit that subscribe button. Don't miss any future episodes.
If you loved what you heard, leave us a review and share it with your fellow Legends. Let's grow this community together, stay caffeinated, stay inspired and keep making memories. Cheers Legends and we'll see you on the next episode.